Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

arteria choroidea anterior (par)

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Top level systema cardiovasculare Short Extended
Level 2 systema arteriosum cerebrospinale Short Extended
Level 3 arteria carotis interna (par) Short Extended
Current level arteria choroidea anterior (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
50087 3916 tax
arteria choroidea anterior (par)
anterior choroid artery (pair)
50113 3948 tax
rami choroidei ventriculi lateralis (par)
choroid branch to lateral ventricles (pair)
3949 tax
(rami choroidei ventriculi tertii (par) )
(choroid branch to third ventricles (pair))
8908 tax
rami perforantes (par)
perforating branches (pair)
50114 3950 tax
rami substantiae perforatae anterioris (par)
branch to anterior perforated substances (pair)
50115 3951 tax
rami chiasmatici (par)
branch to optic chiasms (pair)
50116 3952 tax
rami tractus optici (par)
branch to optic tracts (pair)
50117 3953 tax
rami corporis geniculati lateralis (par)
branch to lateral geniculate bodies (pair)
50133 8909 tax
rami radiationis opticae (par)
branch to optic radiations (pair)
8910 tax
rami capsulae internae (par)
branch to internal capsules (pair)
50118 3954 tax
rami genus capsulae internae (par)
branches of knee of internal capsule (pair)
50119 3955 tax
rami cruris posterioris (par)
branch to posterior limbs (pair)
50120 3956 tax
rami partis retrolentiformis (par)
branch to retrolentiform limbs (pair)
50121 3957 tax
rami globi pallidi (par)
branch to globus pallidi (pair)
50122 3958 tax
rami caudae nuclei caudati (par)
branch to tail of caudate nuclei (pair)
50123 3959 tax
rami hippocampales (par)
branch to hippocampi (pair)
8911 tax
rami gyri dentati (par)
branch to dentate gyri (pair)
8912 tax
rami fornicis (par)
branch to fornices (pair)
50090 3960 tax
(rami uncales (par) )
(uncal branches (pair) )
8913 tax
rami corticis piriformis structurae olfactoriae (par)
branch to piriform cortices (pair)
50124 3961 tax
rami corporis amygdaloidei (par)
branch to amygdaloid bodies (pair)
50128 3962 tax
(rami tuberis cinerei (par) )
(branch to tuber cinerea (pair))
50129 3963 tax
(rami nucleorum hypothalami (par))
(branch to hypothalamic nucleis (pair))
3964 tax
rami nucleorum thalami (par)
branch to thalamic nucleis (pair)
50125 3965 tax
rami substantiae nigrae (par)
branch to substantia nigrae (pair)
50126 3966 tax
rami nuclei rubri (par)
branch to red nuclei (pair)
50127 3967 tax
rami pedunculi cerebri (par)
branch to cerebral peduncles (pair)
8914 tax
arteriae hypophysiales accessoriae (par)
accessory hypophysial arteries (pair)
28 lines
3.6 %
3.6 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 3916
Number of children 82 (validated)
Number of units 28 (validated)
Signature 1028 (validated since 19.7.2019)
Date: 24.01.2025